Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Government Versus Apple: The San Bernardino Shootings

In San Bernardino, California, a man named Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife killed 14 people. His IPhone was found on site after Farook was killed. The federal government needs an encryption device from apple to unlock his phone. Apple refuses to give them the code. They say that it is a breach of privacy, and that the government will exploit the phone breaking device. The Government says that they will only use the device once. They say that it will save many lives if they can access the criminal’s phone. They can also interview possible suspects, using contact information. I believe that apple is right. It is scary to think that the government could break into every phone. Plus, one the device is out there, other countries like North Korea could get one from apple. “In the wrong hands, this software — which does not exist today — would have the potential to unlock any iPhone in someone’s physical possession(Apple Customer Letter). Hackers and robbers could steal your phone and get all of your personnel information. Many companies are backing up Apple. Google, Facebook, and other tech companies are siding with apple. “I don’t think requiring backdoors with encryption is either going to be an effective way to increase security or is really the right thing to do for just the direction that the world is going to” (USA Today). Mark Zuckerberg said that about the Apple case. I don’t really know what is going to happen from here on out.

I wonder if Apple can create a backdoor that only works once for the phone.

Why does the Government need Apples help? They could use private hackers, or government “white” hackers.